About Cowichan Valley Shrine Club #27
In 2013 The Cowichan Valley Shrine Club won the honour of being the top Shrine Club in B.C. and the Yukon for the second time. President Brian Nicol, Assistant Rabban Dan Mellor, Noble Rick Mellson, and Noble Monte Engelson
The Cowichan Valley Shrine Club received it's Charter from Gizeh Shriners BC and Yukon in Duncan on November 28, 1964.
The first president was Noble Elvin Waldie (1964), who remained active in the club until his death in 1997. He was well known as our Greeter for many years, and was affectionately known as the "Vancouver Island Potentate".
Duncan is also home to a number of Clowns in the Club.
Our club has been led by many excellent presidents over the years, each one, in his own way, contributing a great deal to our philanthropy. Learn about our past presidents here.
Much work has been done to raise funds for the Shrine charities through BC Gaming, Christmas Cake sales, Variety Show, Cook Wagon cookouts, Cash Calendar Sales and many other activities. But it is not all work; we have a lot of fun at our meetings, family barbeques, tubing parties, parades and other events. In fact, the CVSC has become well known for hosting some of the more memorable Vancouver Island Shrine Days celebrations.
The Club has always been, and remains, well represented on the Gizeh Divan. In fact, five of our members rose to the top: Past Potentates are Derek Whiles 1986, David Trace 1992, Ross Scott 1995, Danny Dyke 2005 and Harold Wallace in 2018.
The Cowichan Valley Shrine Club is alive and well, and is looking forward to continued work for our philanthropy well into the 21st century with the same energy and dedication that has always been the hallmark of our club.
Originally written by Noble Jack S. Gibson Historian
This picture was taken approximately in 1969 and was of the Officers of the Club.
From top left, Don Hammond, Norm Copley, Elvin Waldie, Dick Steves and Bill Ogg
Middle row is James Lequesne and (unknown)
Bottom row is Les Coburn and Ross Scott
Quick Links
Our Meetings:
The second Thursday of each month (except July and August) at the HWWallace Cremation and Burial Centre, 2853 Roberts Rd., Duncan at 7pm
2025 Officers
Phil Archer
Email: cvsc27@gmail.com
Charlie Gonzalez
Email: cvsc27@gmail.com
Terry Landry
119-1751 Northgate Rd Cobble Hill, V8H 0A5
Phone (Cell): 250-744-8794
Email: cvsc27@gmail.com
Ken Swain
Email: treascvsc@gmail.com
Rick Mellson
Dan Daigle
Brian Nicol
Sick & Visiting
Terry Landry / Tom Earl
Rick Mellson
CVSC Clowns
Charlie Gonzalez
Web Manager
Terry Landry
Christmas Party
Badoura Ladies
Storage Shed
Glenn Harvey
Cook Wagon
Rick Mellson
Xmas Cake
Ken Swain / Terry Landry
Glenn Harvey / Rick Mellson
Mark Androski
Club Regalia
Rick Mellson
This picture was taken in the early 1990's with two of our founding members Noble Don Hammond on the left and Noble Bill Ogg, our longest serving Treasurer. Then Noble Stan Harnan, our Secretary, Noble Danny Dyke who became Potentate in 2005 and Noble Al Hudson who joined the Shrine in 1991. The two Shrine Clowns in the front are Nobles Bud Ridley and John Cinkant.